Hi and Welcome to the Mountain Crest Forums
This site is for Mountain Crest Homeowners and Residents of Mountain Crest. Non-Owner
residents and those renting property in Mountain Crest may still register but you will not get access to OWNER only
Forums. You will have to register
before you can post or read forum posts.To register click the box AT THE BOTTOM of this page that says "Sign Up",
Registration confirmation
is a 2 step process.
Once you complete the signup information which includes your contact email, the
system will automatically send an email with the Subject:
Action Required to Activate Membership for (Username you selected).
In that email there will be a link you must click that then notifies the system
you have responded from the email you advised when you first signed up.
See Pic for what the email will look like. STEP 2 (For Owners Only)
If you are an owner, I will look up information on the Forsyth
County Tax Assessor's website to verify the address provided matches the name
provided during signup. Once that is done, one more email will go out requesting
you answer one question pertaining to the sale of your home. Once you respond to
that email, you will then become "Owner Verified". There will only be the same
number of Owner Verified accounts as there are homes in the subdivision.
Discrepancies or duplicate requests by different people will be looked into for
further clarification.
Other Members of the Community can receive the title
"Resident Owner" if they live with the OWNER in the same household. That will
require verification as well. They will have the same access as OWNERS.
If you do not live here in the community, or you are a renter, you will still
get a Registered Status, but protected OWNER only content will not be
accessible. However, the main Forum "Mountain Crest Village Green is open to
All of this usually occurs during the same day, but it is a MANUAL process to
verify Ownership, so please be patient.
Remember, if you do not respond to the email verification email you receive,
nothing will happen with your account.